Monday, July 17, 2017

Farewell to France

I'm listening to Sous Le Ciel de Paris by ZAZ as the sun rises in fair France. It's incredible to me how quickly these 5 days have FLOWN. Wasn't I just walking off the plane awestruck, in jetlagged disbelief of actually being there in person? Didn't I breathe in the city until my lungs filled with the perpetual air of je ne sais pas?

Travel is robbery. It takes whatever 4 walls of familiarity surround you and breaks them mercilessly if allowed. Beyond the physical aspect of leaving home, it's the fact that we are cradled within the arms of our worldwide brotherhood that makes it truly unforgettable. Ribz and I (along with JJ) have been accepted as family with the friends we've made this week. The nearly 800 pictures and videos testify to that affection bridging past language barriers and time differences.

The next few posts will be dedicated to our time spent within Paris, while we gear ourselves for the intensely exciting week ahead of us for Special Convention in Milan. It's finally here!!! Incroyable!!!

Short post, I know. Pardon moi. I haven't had much time to just sit and write; been too busy absorbing this experience! Much love to you all and stay tuned for the next post!


The Adventurous A.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Squad-Ala! We're Off!

My lovely readers!!!

We are now officially at the airport awaiting our flight. It's amazing how the time from hearing about getting accepted as delegates has absolutely FLOWN. The three of us (Ribz, team captain JJ and yours truly) are situated right by our gate awaiting patiently.  My mind is spinning and my heart is racing; IT'S HERE IT'S REALLY REALLY HERE!!!

Travel buddies!! KC the Koala and MEPS

Three amigos back at it!

The anticipation is streaming through my veins as I attempt to chow down my jalapeno- flavoured popcorn. I had been planning a far more eloquent pre-flight post but alas, you'll have to deal with the excited travel-buzzed giddy A. CAN'T BELIEVE IT WHOOHOOOOOOO!!!!

Ok, I'm going to finish this off here, they're about to call our plane soonish. If this is my last post ever,  I am sorry/not sorry that it was oozing with unbridled joy and enthusiastic energy. On a less macabre note, I'll talk to you all overseas!

SQUADALA OUT! Toodles and stay tuned for the next post!

Louvre, (ba dum tss)

The Adventurous A.

P.S. if you understood the squadala reference, THOU ART A GIANT NERD
*Mr. Popo voice* byyyyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYyyyeeee...

Student to Student

How important something is to us determines the plasticity of our brain and function..."   - Dr. Andrew Huberman Something that you sho...