Thursday, May 16, 2019

Branch Tour Days (July 2017)

Greetings and salutations, patient readers!

You may or may not be excited to hear that my latest adventure is coming up rather soon! There is still some prep work left but nevertheless I'm hopeful that all will go according to plan. Due to the rapidly approaching date, I am compressing the Special Convention blog posts to a more condensed rendering. I'll be armed with a better note-taking system for this next adventure, so that way I can avoid this 2 year delay of storytelling. My apologies for having been tardy, but better late than never. You'll just have to come and talk to me if you want more details about these pictures. (^-^)

Onto the blog!

I've mentioned previously that during Special/ International conventions, there are prearranged tours/events that the visiting delegates can enjoy with the local friends. We as a group opted to discover the gorgeous Lake Como area north of Milan. The sheer beauty of the architecture, the mouthwatering food, depth of historical value, coupled with the incredible hospitality of our Italian brothers and sisters, made for a very enjoyable few starter days prior to convention. Please enjoy the following photographic evidences of said great time!

I know this was not in the usual style of my regular writings, but must make do and hurry. Remember kids, procrastinating helps no one!! Thank you for suffering through this and stay tuned for the next post!


The Adventurous A.

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